Saturday, October 25, 2008

Making a Difference

The past two days I went to work for a few hours each day, at Primary Children's Emergency room, each time for another nurse who needed a few hours off for something important. It was surprisingly slow both mornings, getting steadily busier as it got closer to mid-day, but nothing like it can be many days. I really like it when I can really spend the time with each patient to provide quality care, rather than just run around crazy to just meet the basic needs, wondering if I made any difference at all. Today was one of those days at work that I knew I made a difference being there and I had a great time doing it. It was a good feeling to know that I could help a couple of children and their parents who were in need, because I had the skills and I had chosen to sacrifice time away from home and my concerns to be there.
I was anxious to get through the day, knowing how many things I had committed to do, but I prayed as I went to bed last night that if I had made the right choices in the things I had committed myself to do, that there would be a way to meet all of those committments and feel good about what I had accomplished. I got up an extra hour earlier than I needed to in order to just get showered and ready for work, so that I could be organized and get as much done as I could before I left for the first half of the day. The charge nurse, Cindy Royall, called me about 15 minutes before I was to leave home and asked if I would like to come in to work an hour late. I was so happy to say, "yes, I would love to come in a little later!" I was trying to give Sam a quick haircut at that time and was then able to relax and do a better job. (Not only was he going to audition for the "Wizard of Oz" at Roger's Memorial Theatre in the afternoon, but tomorrow is the Primary Program in Sacrament Meeting.) His hair was looking pretty bad. I think it turned out pretty good, considering it is the first time I've tried to cut it really short with the spiked bangs, since he started wearing it that way. Anyways, I also had the time to help Sarah and Sam practice the songs that they had chosen to sing for the audition and to take and print the "headshots" that the theatre requested of each person auditioning. I got all that done because Cindy called a second time and told me they were still slow and I could come in at 11:00am. I was so happy. I felt like maybe our decision to audition together; me, Aimee, Sarah, and Sam, for the "Wizard of Oz" was the right thing to do, if we could indeed have a little time to prepare and squeeze it into the schedule... before Sarah had to be at Layton High School for her Grand Suzuki Concert.
I was able to enjoy being at work for a couple of hours, giving quality nursing care, leave at my appointed time, and get home in time to review the songs with the kids and print the last of the pictures to take. We got there at our appointed time, with our applications ready to go and waited about 10-15 minutes for our turn to audition. It was me, Aimee, Sarah, Sam, and one other young girl that were grouped to go in together. Aimee was first. She did a great job. I was so proud of her. Sam was next, of course they loved him! He sang a Primary song, "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus," right in tune, and did a great job as well. Next it was my turn. I was definitely nervous enough for all four of us. You would think because I knew all three of the people I was auditioning for, that I could relax. I was very intimidated, I guess really wanting to do well, but I drew a complete blank on the words I was supposed to sing about half way through the sixteen measures. I asked the pianist for the words, but wasn't able to really hear her, which made me even more nervous and embarrassed. I asked if I could start again, which I did, but I didn't do any better the second time through. I should've just hummed the notes, so they could hear my voice, but I choked. Oh well, I ended with a smile. Sarah sang her song beautifully, which made me very proud. They all did so much better than I did! I decided, if I get in the show it will probably be because they want at least one of my kids to be in it. The only other reason would be becasue those who are directing know that I can do better than I did at that time. I have a easier time singing for an auditorium full of strangers than I do singing in an audition setting. Aimee even told me my legs were shaking!
We made to Layton High School in just enough time for Sarah to get her violin tuned, use the restroom, and find where she was to sit until her turn to perform. Jon slept part of the time, until Sarah was on stage, then we watched as she performed four of her Suzuki pieces that she has learned over the past year and a half. She did a great job. I was so relieved to breathe a sigh of relief once I got to that point in my day!
I came home and was able to do some dishes, laundry, sweeping, mopping, and vaccuuming in preparation for the Sabbath day, and parents coming to dinner, then Jon and I finally went out to dinner and to Lowe's and Dick's after 8:00pm. Tonight we got the table and refridgerator back in their proper places on the newly finished and cured hardwood floor in the kitchen. Jon got a new waterline this evening for the fridge and got that secured in place, so we will have ice and water from the fridge door again. I got ready for bed, which felt good to do, but I still hear Jon upstairs doing some cleaning. I better go see if I can help. Sam is asleep on the couch, Sarah went to bed, Jacob came home from a friends an hour ago, and Aimee just got home from babysitting at the neighbor's. Ashley is out at the VHS Harvest Dance with a group of 15 couples, dressed as "Ninja's." I wish she could've gone with her original idea, to go as Daphne and Shaggy, with her date. I don't understand why they bother to go with a "group theme." I think that is lame and boring, but oh well. Hopefully she will be home by midnight, so we can get to bed. I am exhausted. We have had many late nights this week.
We celebrated Ashley's "18th" Birthday on Wednesday! I can't believe she is that old. I took her on Friday to get registered to vote in the next election! I took her shopping on Monday and we had a few friends over late on her birthday night, as well as Friday night, watching movies. I think she's had a good week. I took a few hours on Wednesday digging up several pictures of her from baby to recent, and did two big collage posters on the wall. It was fun to do and others have enjoyed looking at them, as they have come to visit as well. I can't believe I am old enough to have a child that old! And I can't believe my baby is eight! Wow! I guess we will be doing college, weddings, and grandbabies next. YIKES!!!!

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